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After-School Program for HS Students
in Pre-College Programs
Pre-College: Introduction to Drawing: After-School Studio Art Program
with D'shon McCarthy

Introduction to Drawing prepares students for future academic work through structured and sustained practice with drawing materials. observational practices while reflecting on the relationships between shape, proportion, line quality, light, perspective, and value. Students will strengthen their abilities to observe, interpret, and reflect visual media within the academic studio sphere through close investigations of various still-life and portrait subjects.
Single-session charcoal and pencil sketches, multi-session still life projects, and weekly critiques will train students in formal drawing techniques while being able to engage confidently in art-centric dialogs. Through active participation and inquiry, students will enhance their ability to comprehend subject matter, translate observations in dry mediums, and communicate their visual ideas.
Pre-College: Abstraction in Oil Painting: After-School Studio Art Program
with Leroy Nunery

Abstraction in Oil Painting prepares students for future academic work through structured and sustained practice in oil painting. Students will be challenged to break from convention at times, learning the basics of surrealism, minimalism and formalism, and abstract expressionism.
Students will learn proper application of oil painting materials and processes through observational practices while reflecting on the relationships between shape, space, depth, light, perspective, value, and color.
Students will be introduced to a diverse range of contemporary artists by challenging hegemonic structures; highlighting more women artists, more artists of color, and artists who have typically been overlooked in the greater art lexicon. Single-session painted sketches, multi-session painting projects, and final critiques will train students in formal painting techniques while being able to engage confidently in art-centric dialogs.